Our Story


We are a family owned, commercial wholesale Avocado & Macadamia Nursery based in Bundaberg Queensland. 

Andy & Lisa nursery.jpg

We originally began growing Avocado trees back in 2015, when we had issues sourcing trees to plant in our Ultra High density Avocado Orchard. With Andy’s background in farm management and Nursery production, we set about to just grow a ‘few’ trees for Us! However, word got out, and after repeated requests from other commercial growers, we increased our capacity, and are now set-up to produce over 200,000 Avocado trees. We have also diversified into growing Macadamia trees, Bananas and Mango’s. 

Our challenge in all aspects of Nursery is producing high quality, disease free and genetically reliant trees. We have accepted this challenge and strive to constantly quantify and monitor all aspects of the production chain to deliver this outcome. 

Genetic material for our trees is sourced with meticulous detail, out of respect for our growers and the fact that Avocado Orchards are in it for the long haul, trees need to be sustained over 20 -30 years in varying conditions. 


With knowledge and history in Nursery production, Soil science, Agronomy, plant physiology, the team at AvoTree are well versed to help growers choose appropriate Scion and Rootstock combinations for their location, soil types and orchard densities. We also have our own Orchard, with over 30,000 trees of Avocado and Macadamia trees and understand the complexities and struggles that are associated with setting up and maintaining orchard systems that all growers face.


Want to find out what we can do for you?